Term and Definition
- Advancement: Advancement is a discipline within education similar to development and fundraising. It encompasses alumni relations, communications, development, marketing and is an integrated method of managing relationships to encourage philanthropy
- AGN: Annual Giving Network
- AGR: Annual Giving Roundtable
- AAI: African American Initiative (AAI) (a comprehensive effort to address the underrepresentation of African American students, faculty, and staff at UC Berkeley, and to improve the climate for those who are here now and all who will join our community in the future)
- AI: Academic Impressions
- AIS: Advancement Information Services
- Annual Gift: A gift that is made on a fiscal or calendar basis for current use
- AO: Advancement Operations
- AP: Annual Programs (UDAR Advancement unit: Direct Response Marketing, Parent and Family Philanthropy, and Pipeline Development)
- APA: Advancement Planning & Analysis (UDAR business unit in AIS)
- AR: Alumni Relations (UDAR Advancement unit)
- AVC: Associate Vice Chancellor or Assistant Vice Chancellor
- BAC Berkeley Advancement Community
- BAEG: Berkeley Alumni Engagement Group
- BAMPFA Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive
- bCal: UC Berkeley’s brand for Google calendar
- bConnected: UC Berkeley’s Google Suite (mail, calendar, docs, and more!)
- Bearbuy E-procurement and transaction system
- BigGIve A 24-hour online giving campaign where the entire Cal community will come together in support of schools, programs, and students
- bMail: UC Berkeley’s brand for Google email
- BoV: Board of Visitors
- BRS: Berkeley Regional Services (UDAR is in the BEARS region)
- CAA: Cal Alumni Association
- CADS: Cal Advancement Data System (our donor and alumni database)
- CADS: Help HelpDesk application for UDAR IT
- Cal Day: Cal’s big annual open house festival held annually in April
- CalTime: Automated timekeeping system
- CASE: Council for Advancement and Support of Education
- CCY: Class Campaign Year CDO Chief Development Officer
- CDSS: Division of Computing, Data Science, and Society
- CED: College of Environmental Design
- CFRE: Certified Fund Raising Executive
- CPH: Computational Precision Health (joint UC Berkeley-UCSF program)
- CMT: Campaign Management Team
- CNR: College of Natural Resources
- COE: College of Engineering
- CRM: Constituent Relationship Management (software)
- DEIBJ: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging, and Justice
- Development: The organized activity of soliciting contributions to further the university’s mission
- DOD: Director of Development
- Donor Cycle: The process of moving a prospect from qualification to cultivation to solicitation to stewardship
- DR: Donor Relations (UDAR business unit. Formerly named Donor Recognition)
- DRM: Direct Response Marketing
- DQM: Data Quality and Management (UDAR business unit in AIS)
- E&I: Equity & Inclusion
- ERMC: External Relations & Marketing Communications (UDAR business unit)
- FRCP: Foundation Relations & Corporate Philanthropy (UDAR Advancement unit)
- FS&C: Fund Stewardship & Compliance (UDAR business unit. Formerly named Fund Management)
- Fundraising: Act of securing private support in the form of annual gifts, major gifts, planned gifts and corporate and foundation gifts, often through strategically developed fundraising campaigns
- FY: Fiscal Year
- GBC: Golden Bear Center (1995 University Ave)
- GS: Gift Services (UDAR business unit)
- GSPP: Goldman School of Public Policy
- ISA Information Strategy & Analytics (UDAR business unit in AIS)
- I-School: School of Information
- LGO: Leadership Giving Officer
- L&S College of Letters and Science
- LMS: Learning Management System
- LTI: Latinx Thriving Institution Initiatives (UC Berkeley’s commitment to becoming a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) within the next ten years)
- LtW: Light the Way current $6 billion comprehensive campaign started February 29, 2020 and closed on December 31, 2023
- Major Gift: These are often the largest single gifts that an organization receives. There is no set dollar amount for a major gift, but commitments can be $100,000-$4,999,999. Major Gifts officers will still work on smaller gifts, with the smallest commitment being gifts of $25,000. These gifts are typically pledged over a five-year period (UDAR Advancement unit)
- MarComm: Marketing Communications
- MGO: Major Gift Officer
- MT: UDAR Management Team
- NEO: New Employee Onboarding
- OGP: Office of Gift Planning (UDAR Advancement unit)
- Oski: UC Berkeley’s mascot
- PD: Prospect Development (UDAR business unit)
- P&C: People & Culture (UC Berkeley Human Resources)
- PGSI: Principal Gifts & Strategic Initiatives (UDAR Advancement unit)
- Pipeline: The pipeline begins at the donor acquisition level (under $1000), raising to the leadership level ($1000-$99,999), then to major gifts ($99,999-$4,999,999), ending with principal level gifts ($5,000,000). Bequests or planned gifts could occur at any point in the pipeline. Donors can move up or down in the pipeline
- Principal Gift: Gifts that make a transformational impact; usually involve building lifetime relationships between UC Berkeley and key philanthropic partners with the capacity to give $5,000,000 or more
- QRG: Quick Reference Guide
- RCNR: Rausser College of Natural Resources
- SED: Student Experience & Diversity (UDAR Advancement unit)
- SMT: Senior Management Team
- TMWP: Talent Management and Workplace Planning (UDAR Human Resources)
- Town Hall: Semi-annual UDAR-wide hybrid meetings
- UCBF: UC Berkeley Foundation
- UCOP: University of California Office of the President
- UCPath: University of California’s systemwide payroll, benefits, and HR system for all UC employees. UC Berkeley's UCPath portal
- UDAR: University Development and Alumni Relations
- VC: Vice Chancellor