Our Culture Commitments


In March 2022, we began the next phase of our UDAR Organizational Journey Map 2025, which focused on culture and decision-making. The UDAR Organizational Journey Map 2025 represents the culmination of several months of work and articulates our organizational priorities for the care of our organization as support to UC Berkeley’s campaign priorities. 

As part of this initiative, we invited UDAR staff to volunteer for an opportunity to become a Culture Champion and help evolve our culture by defining organizational norms that would support UDAR’s achievement of its Aspirational Proposition. Culture Champions helped identify themes, commitments and how we wanted to build them into our UDAR Organizational Journey Map 2025 by interviewing UDAR staff across the department. 

In August 2022, we concluded our culture project and developed five culture commitments, and our goal is to operationalize and apply them to our daily work at UDAR.

Please find our culture commitments in image and text formats below. 

UDAR's five culture commitments about building trust, community, inclusiveness, and transparency.

We Build a Trusting and Collaborative Community

We commit to cultivating psychological safety, valuing differences, and communicating openly with mutual respect. We will build trust by striving for high performance, accountability, and role clarity, and by celebrating and appreciating the contributions of everyone involved in achieving our fundraising and alumni relations mission.

We Are Rooted in Our DEIBJ Values

We use our DEIBI definitions, mission, vision and values of authenticity, courage, compassion, and community to guide us in all we do. We embed DEIBJ into the structures and systems of UDAR to achieve equitable outcomes that benefit everyone and commit to implementing our DEB] strategic framework.

We Make Decisions Inclusively in Support of Our People

We acknowledge that hierarchies exist and each of us is committed to seeking input from those affected by our decisions. We will strive for inclusivity in our decision making, and for transparency in sharing how decisions are made, where decision rights sit, and the rationale behind decisions.

We Seek and Share Information Transparently

As a growing practice, we communicate regularly, in a way that is timely, transparent, inclusive, accessible, and clear. We also take responsibility to inform ourselves so we are all aware of processes, interdependencies, guidelines, rules, and other relevant information, enabling us to do our jobs well.

We Cultivate Inclusive and Supportive Leadership

Our leaders and managers are held accountable to fostering open and respectful communication where UDAR staff feel safe to provide two-way feedback to help us improve. Leaders and managers commit to supporting employee wellbeing by embracing flexible work arrangements, encouraging work/life balance, and actively promoting career growth for UDAR staff.