Please note that the processes listed on this page are internal processes for UDAR. This is our documentation for UDAR managers and supervisors recruiting and hiring staff.
UDAR managers and supervisors should use these steps in the hiring process.
Staff Recruitment Process
Other Recruitment Options
At Initial Desire to Hire
- Hiring manager completes the position request form, which goes to the team in Talent and Organizational (TOM), who will create and send back a position number
- Hiring manager creates a Service Hub Ticket to request recruitment. This should include:
- Position number
- Payroll title
- Job code
- Chartstring
- Job Builder job description approved by Compensation
- Job description language (actual language for posting including overview of their specific department) if available and is an existing full-time employee (FTE)
- Physical/Environmental/Mental Demands (PEM) form (included if this is a back-fill/existing approved FTE, otherwise it is included in the new Job Builder job description)
- Interdepartmental order charge (IOC) (only if background check is needed, which will be indicated in job posting)
- Additional Background Check Questions document
- Indicate approvers Talent Management and Integration Specialist is Approver 1 and TOM Organizational Process and Data Analyst is Approver 2)
- Attach campus finance committee approval to ServiceNow case
Depending on the type of recruitment, HRP will work with the hiring manager to get Compensation Unit approval for job description.
Preparing Position for Recruitment
- HR Partner (HRP) checks that all materials are complete and attached to the Service Hub Case. HRP assigns the recruitment task to the recruiter
- Recruiter creates a posting draft and sends it to the hiring manager for approval
- After hiring manager approves the posting draft, the recruiter posts the position in UCPath Talent Acquisition Management (TAM), and posting will be ready for accepting applications
- Recruiter sends hiring manager the “Job Now Posted” email with posting and interview process information and instructions: job ID and title, affirmative action (AA) goals, required courses for search committees, interview protocol and updates, how to review applications, conducting reference checks, before offer letter and determining the proposed salary and start date, requesting and offer letter and compliance documentation (IDF - Interview Data Form) and instructions, Onboarding and Hiring information
- Recruiter works with hiring manager to post external advertising (Job Elephant, LinkedIn) if desired
- Recruiter obtains quote from Job Elephant and sends to hiring manager
- Hiring manager approves quote for charge and obtains P.O. number from FPA FA
Application Process
- Before the application review: the hiring manager and search committee members are required to complete Implicit Bias Training (effective Feb 1, 2021)
- Once the hiring manager completes Implicit Bias Training, they notify the recruiter
- After the hiring manager completes training, they will have access to review applications
- After the 14-day posting/viewing grace period, the hiring manager reviews applications and ranks them according to minimum qualifications in the STAR Ranking system in TAM, which tracks the initial review of each applicant’s qualifications based on the posted job requirements (refer to Job Now Posted email)
- Hiring manager reviews applications and identifies top candidates to complete the Initial Interview Questionnaire (IIQ) if desired
- Hiring manager (or designated support staff) asks the recruiter to send IIQ to candidates
- Recruiter (or designated support staff) sends the hiring manager the completed IIQs for their review
- Hiring manager (and sometimes the search committee) selects top candidates for a first-round interview (phone, Zoom, or in-person)
- Interviews are scheduled by the hiring manager, recruiter, or support staff, depending on what degree of administrative support is available
- Hiring manager, recruiter, or designated support staff schedules second-round interviews (same for the third-round, etc.)
- Once finalist(s) are selected, recruiter, hiring manager, or search committee member completes references checks
Making the Offer
- Hiring manager checks in with Talent and Organizational Management (TOM) director to approve the requested salary for the selected finalist
- Hiring manager makes a verbal offer to the finalist and emails the recruiter to request an offer letter - see “ Job Now Posted” email for instructions on completing required steps (STAR Rankings, Interview Data Form (IDF) completion) for generating an offer letter from recruiter
- If salary is negotiated, hiring manager must go back to the TOM director to confirm and approve the new salary within their specified budget
- Recruiter drafts the offer letter and emails the hiring manager and TOM director for approval (cc HRP)
- Once the hiring manager and TOM director approves the offer letter, the recruiter emails the candidate for signature, cc hiring manager, TOM director, UDAR onboarding and HRP
Final Processing
- The applicant returns the signed offer letter to the recruiter and by "replying all"
- Recruiter adds the signed offer letter to the Service Hub Case. The recruiter creates a "New Hire Task" in the case to trigger the process for the new hire/rehire/transfer to Berkeley Regional Services (BRS)-Bears Onboarding
- Recruiter completes and closes the "Recruitment Request TASK" in Service Hub
- HRP completes and closes the Service Hub Recruitment Request Case