Professional Development

Please note that the resources on this page are for UDAR staff, managers, and supervisors.

UDAR Staff

Reopened Mining Circle, with Hearst Memorial Mining Building in the background

Procedure 20: Recruitment

Required training for hiring managers and members before serving on a search committee: UC Managing Implicit Bias in the Hiring Process and Search Advisory and Hiring Committee Best Practices. Visit P&C, read the details, and take the trainings. 

University of California logo

UC Compliance

These trainings are part of your ongoing career progress and essential to your job and professional environment. Go to the UC Learning Center site and click on the required trainings tab.

UC Berkeley campus, grass, and buildings


Career and professional development opportunities for staff, managers, and supervisors to learn new skills, grow their careers, or improve their performance. Visit Eureka to access these resources (CalNet ID required).

Memorial Glade seal

Advancement Training Tracks        

These courses support philanthropic operations on campus. As part of the advancement community, we recommend taking the trainings that apply to your role. Access courses in Eureka.

Student walking and student riding a bike on UC Berkeley campus

Subscriptions and Memberships

As part of the advancement community, take advantage of paid resources offered by UC Berkeley and UDAR. Access Eureka (CalNet ID required).

students and people gathering for a festival at memorial glade

Berkeley Advancement Community             

Members of the Berkeley Advancement Community (BAC) meet three times a year to share information and discuss issues of interest to the campus fundraising community. Join the BAC (CalNet ID required).

UDAR Managers and Supervisors

UC Berkeley campanile and doe library

Berkeley People Management 1 Series 

UDAR managers and supervisors should take this course as part their ongoing development. The BPM1 series is also available to all UC Berkeley staff. Read more at the BPM1 page on the P&C site.