External Relations and Marketing Communications


A full-service professional team, we deliver donor-centered and integrated editorial, design, digital, event, and logistical solutions to inspire philanthropy and engage UC Berkeley donors, alumni, parents, and students.

What We Do

External Relations 

  • Oversee UDAR and UC Berkeley Foundation fundraising events, Chancellor’s events, public ceremonies, and campuswide celebrations
  • Consult on event concept and strategy development
  • Advise on protocol, including visits by high-ranking government officials, the UC Office of the President, Regents, and other dignitaries
  • Manage and administer the university's highest awards
  • Identify appropriate donor recognition gifts and event giveaway items
  • Provide vendor and faculty speaker recommendations
  • Manage requests for time on the Chancellor’s calendar
  • Administer the UC Berkeley Events Network
  • Produce the event planning certificate program annually

 Marketing Communications 

  • Produce digital, multimedia, and print donor materials
  • Create strategies for external-facing marketing and communications, media, and social media 
  • Develop fundraising messaging, talking points, and slide decks
  • Write proposals,* concept proposals, gift acknowledgments, and event collateral  
  • Create flexible campaign brand identity and language resources to build custom pieces
  • Advise on best practices for fundraising collateral
  • Administer the campaign communications council

*Please note that the minimum level of ask for proposal support is $5 million, unless it is for a principal gift-level donor.


Colleen Rovetti
Assistant Vice Chancellor
Email: rovetti@berkeley.edu 
Phone: (510) 643-3249